Legal Rights Of Nursing Home Residents

Last updated on September 15, 2020

Nursing home residents have certain legal rights and protections guaranteed under U.S. law. These laws are designed to prevent negligence and abuse, require nursing homes to promote and protect the rights of each resident and dictate that all residents be treated with dignity and respect. Additionally, nursing homes that participate in Medicare or Medicaid are required to meet federal residents’ rights requirements.

If you believe the legal rights of a resident have been violated, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced law firm with a strong reputation and a track record of success. At Greene & Schultz, our team of nursing home neglect attorneys can help you address any issue you may have regarding the care received by an elder care facility resident.

Why Specific Laws Are Needed For Elder Care

Nursing home abuse occurs when a resident of the facility is negligently or intentionally harmed. This often unreported abuse can cause serious physical harm, emotional distress and possibly even death. Unfortunately, these crimes go unnoticed and unreported because the signs of abuse are sometimes difficult to detect.

Because it is often embarrassing and humiliating to nursing home residents to report the abuse, neglect or hardships they endure, it is crucial that there are specific laws put in place to help them and ensure they experience the quality of life they deserve.

Fortunately, there are federal and state laws that are designed to protect the rights of nursing home residents and allow them to be compensated when losses occur. Medicare recipients are also guaranteed certain additional rights, including the right to be:

  • Treated with respect
  • Free to participate in activities
  • Free from discrimination
  • Free from abuse and neglect
  • Free from restraints
  • Able to make complaints
  • Able to get proper medical care

We Have The Professional Advice You Need

If you need to talk to an attorney to see if you or a loved one has a case for nursing home abuse or neglect, our Bloomington, Indiana, team of experienced lawyers can advise you about your options and legal rights.

We are here to help protect the rights and dignity of victims of elder abuse and neglect. Reach out to one of our team members by calling 812-558-0198 or feel free to contact us via email to discuss your concerns.