Certain vehicle maintenance issues are easy to put off for too long. While your brakes will start squealing and then grinding, making their need for replacement impossible to ignore, your tires won’t give you any such warning.
Every time you drive, you wear down the tread on your tires a little bit more. Additionally, frequent use and changing weather age the material of the tires slowly. Eventually, there won’t be enough tread to provide adequate traction, especially during times of inclement weather, and you may have to start worrying about the increased risk of a blowout as well.
If your tires fail while you are on the road, inadequate maintenance of your vehicle may influence how the police officer responding to the crash allocates fault for the collision. In other words, keeping your tires in good condition is crucial for your own protection both in a physical and a legal sense. So, when exactly do you need to make plans to replace the tires on your vehicle?
When the tread has worn a noticeable amount
What matters the most for safety is how much depth still exists in the tire tread. Experts recommend using a quarter and inserting it into one of the main grooves in the tire with the top of the quarter touching the surface of the tire. If you can see the space above George Washington’s head, then that is an indication that the tires need replacements right away.
If the tread on your vehicle covers that space and some of his forehead, then you likely still have plenty of good miles left on those tires. When the treat aligns with the top of his head, it’s likely time to think about new tires.
Maintenance is only one safety concern
Keeping your vehicle in good condition is always a smart move. Drivers also improve their own protections by frequently reviewing their insurance coverage, refreshing their safety knowledge concerning traffic hazards and reviewing unique traffic laws so that they can safely comply while driving.
Investing in your vehicle is one of your ways to avoid being named responsible for a motor vehicle crash and one of the best ways to keep yourself and your passengers as safe as you can be.