Keep out of “no-zones” to stay safe on the highway

On Behalf of | Mar 13, 2018 | Truck Accidents

When you’re on the highway, one of the things that could put you at risk of being involved in a crash is driving in a truck driver’s “no zone.” A no-zone is an area where the driver isn’t able to see you. Essentially, these are blind spots along the sides and rear of the vehicle.

As you drive, remember these tips to avoid getting into a crash because of being in a blind spot. While it’s the driver’s responsibility to keep others safe on the roads, it’s also a good idea to do all you can to avoid a serious collision.

1. Avoid the sides of the vehicle

Along the side of a box truck or semi, you may notice that it’s hard to see the driver’s windows or mirror. When you can’t see a driver’s mirror or the front window, you’re likely in a blind spot. It’s a good idea to speed up or slow down, so you’re either in front of the vehicle or a significant distance behind it. It’s a good tip to look for the driver’s face. If you can’t see him or her, then the driver can’t see you.

2. Don’t drive too close to the rear

Not all spaces behind a truck are dangerous, but they are if you’re too close to the bumper. When driving behind a truck, you may notice signs that ask you to stay back 50 or 100 feet. These signs are there to make sure you’re far enough back to avoid debris and so that the driver can use his or her mirrors to see your vehicle. If you’re unable to see the driver’s mirrors, he or she is unable to see you.

3. Stay behind the white lines at intersections

If you approach a stoplight or stop sign on a highway, make sure to stop before the white painted lines. These lines are on the roads to prevent you from pulling so far forward that a truck turning toward you would run into your vehicle. By staying behind the white line, you are giving any truck driver enough space to make a turn safely without crushing your vehicle. If you’re approaching a truck planning to take a right turn in a two-right-turn-lane road, stay behind it instead of pulling up. The driver likely has to make a tight turn, which could impact your vehicle if you’re along the truck’s side.

There are many different ways to stay safe on the roads, but knowing the no-zones is one of the most important. By focusing on what you can do to make yourself more visible, you can help drivers avoid accidents.

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